My Ever Changing Life 2009
-Jason bought a HOUSE!! We are so in love with it and all its quirkiness.
-We begin ripping up carpet in all the rooms.
-On March 5th, WE GOT ENGAGED!!!
-I got the perfect dress, and we planned like crazy for 5 months!
-I saw Wicked with my mom - sooooo good!
-Becca & Keith took our engagement pictures at CVP!
-We decided to go on a cruise for our honeymoon.
-I found a baby raccoon outside my apartment!! {hahaha... it was so precious too!}
-We got brand new beautiful windows for the house {eventually, after much hassle}
-We had a ton of wonderful wedding showers! {Work, RBBC, Signal Crest}
-We got Snooker!!!!!!!!!!! And then she and Dash met... hehe.
-I stopped biting my fingernails {at least until the wedding was over..}
-I moved out of my apartment {okay, Emily moved me} to my parents' house until the wedding.
-I learned some lessons about wedding planning {let's just be honest - it was amazing, but I'm so glad I don't have to do it again!}
-On August 8th, WE GOT MARRIED!! :) {pictures}
-We vacationed in the Caribbean!
-Jason replaced our old mailbox with a pretty one.
-We went to TN games & hosted parties at our new digs {and I forgot I was married}.
-I learned some fun things in Photoshop and changed my blog headers a bunch.
-Our house has changed and grown on us more.
-We got a grill and a grill ornament!
-We got a new dishwasher!
-We hosted our first house guest - Missy!
-I made handmade stockings for us for Christmas!
-I went to the Miley Cyrus concert with Jessica, Elizabeth, & Patricia!
-We admitted to our TV series obsession.
-I am more than 90% done with my December scrapbooking project!
-We had our very first married Christmas!
Whew! What a year!!! :) I wouldn't change a thing. I wonder what is in store for 2010??