Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Goals - How'd I Do?

So February was not as "blue" as January, as in... there's more red this time. Even though I didn't get around to everything I wanted to do this month, I did get to mark 7 things COMPLETE! which is more than if I didn't have goals in the first place, right? :)


Read 2 books {COMPLETE! - The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis, and Sweetwater Gap by Denise Hunter}
Practice something new with my camera {FAIL, but I have an action plan for March. Stay tuned!}
Entertain! {well... Hunter and Elizabeth came over, we saw Jess in Verve, we went to Mary Beth's wedding, had lunch with Emily and Kristin M., I went up to Knoxville to spend the day with Samantha, had dinner with Kristin R., and visited new baby Noah - sooooo, I didn't entertain, but I did catch up with friends, so I'm going to self diagnose this as COMPLETE!}

Complete Lawhorn side of family tree project {COMPLETE!}
Start the thinking/planning process for a small garden {FAIL - moving this to March}

Finishing touches on the guest room {technical FAIL since the horse curtains are still up, but soooo much closer than before! Very excited about this room!}
Go through 4 more boxes in the basement and either keep, sell, give, or toss {COMPLETE!}

Meal plan for 2 weeks {COMPLETE! one, two, three, four weeks!}
Try one new recipe {FAIL - I meant to make orange chicken last week but it didn't end up happening...}

Continue nighttime routine {COMPLETE!}
Some kind of physical activity, 3 times a week/20 minutes {big time major FAIL}
Drink only water for 1 week {COMPLETE!}

1 comment:

  1. I think it sounds like a very successful week - the organizing and meal planning alone are a big deal. =)


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