Sorry, Em - I always look pretty raggedy when we take these on Sunday nights,
so no face shots! I'll make sure to have someone take a picture of me at Easter this weekend. :)
How far along?: 29w1d - only 11 weeks to go!
How big is baby?: the size of a squash (shown below), around 15-17in and 2.5-4 lbs.
Weight gain/loss?: +13-14 lbs
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Just had to order some more - I'm already tired of wearing the same 3-4 tops! (And NONE of my pre-pregnancy shirts fit anymore...)
Sleep?: If I can FALL asleep, I'm good, but lately I've had a hard time getting comfortable enough to drift off... and my back hurts a little at night, probably nothing like it will in the coming weeks. :)
Food cravings?: Smoothies, milkshakes, sausage biscuits... not together, though thatt doesn't sound too bad.
Gender?: Sweet baby BOY!
Movement?: Little boy's favorite pasttimes include somersaults, backflips, and general squirming.
Belly button?: You can start to see it through thinner clothes! AHHH!!
What do you miss?: Drinking caffeine without guilt. I still drink it, I just feel a little guilty. (Probably why little boy's favorite pasttimes include somersaults, backflips, and general squirming...)
What are you looking forward to this week?: Continuing to work on the nursery! My mom gave us the
bedding this weekend so things are starting to come together in there!!
(I'm debating whether to post about the nursery in stages or wait until it's "done"... what do you think?)