Today, our living room went from this... this. Bo-ring. Super boring, if you ask me. But alas, we cannot leave the Christmas tree up until Easter. Again.
I thought it would be cool to be able to look back and see all the ornaments that made it on our first tree. There are SO MANY that I didn't put up (read: anything Winnie the Pooh... no offense Mr. Pooh) We got at least one ornament every year growing up - maybe one from mom and one from Mamaw? Anyway, I own a lot. :) Now we just need to work on growing Jason's collection.

And just because I love how this one turned out...
You may not be able to tell, but someone new has come to worship baby Jesus.
Oh, and Jason put this amazing shelf up in our bedroom this week! This space is definitely the room in the house that is the most completed - the most us.
But I have a great feeling that this year will bring even more change to our little house, to where we start to feel that all the rooms are complete/us. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it! Okay, off to work on my January goals (beginning The Magician's Nephew)!
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