Host a party {COMPLETE! - Sam's 25th Birthday}
Read 2 books {COMPLETE! - Surrender Bay by Denise Hunter, The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis, AND The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe too!}
Sponsor another Compassion child! {COMPLETE! - His name is Manoj from India, he's precious.}
Start my "Family Tree" project with Mamaw {COMPLETE! - Well, complete as in "I've started", which is all I set out to do this month. :) }
Print Holidays in Hand book {COMPLETE! - I am so glad to have this done. It is packed away with our Christmas stuff, ready to discover again next year.}
Finish un-decorating from Christmas {COMPLETE!}
Install and organize pantry {FAIL - we have all the stuff, our walls our just being uncooperative... we need stronger anchors!}
Organize office {FAIL - it's better than it was, but not "organized" like I want it to be.}
Go through 4 boxes in the basement; either keep, sell, give, or toss {COMPLETE! - now only 30+ more to go...}
Try two new recipes {COMPLETE! - pot roast, meatloaf, AND banana muffins!}
Bake a cake! {COMPLETE! for Sam's b'day}
Make homemade bread {COMPLETE! As of yesterday!}
Establish more consistent nighttime routine {COMPLETE! Though this needs to stay on for next month... I always need to be reminded of this one.}
Take vitamins {COMPLETE! whoo hoo for gummies!}
Eat more fruit! {COMPLETE! We've got bananas, grapefruit, pears, peaches, plums, and an orange in our fridge as we speak.}
Not too bad, if I do say so myself. :) I definitely think that having written goals (especially posted here!) is really great for accountability. Take my books goal for example: two books this month was definitely no big exciting goal, but for me, it was acheivable, and look - I read three!
Did you get to check off any of your January goals? All of them?
If you decided not to do January, Feb is right around the corner!