I can't believe it's really been a week! Officially. Today was definitely the longest day so far, because there was a bad weather forecast, which means the boys didn't come down. :( It ended up still being a good day, though!
Normal morning routine of NST monitoring and ultrasound. Everything looks the same which is always good news.
Okay, so breakfast is my favorite meal here at the hospital. I got pancakes yesterday but had to change back to french toast, because come ON - doesn't this look yummy?! It's seriously good.
Oh yeah - this is the picture Jack brought me yesterday, I just snapped a picture of it this morning. :)
This is pretty remarkable work from him, because he is NOT a fan of coloring when we're at home.
These are my BEAUTIFUL flowers from Christine...
...and my beautiful flowers from Sam and Nessa!!
And since I really did make it an entire week longer than I thought I was going to, I decided to bare my belly and do a weekly picture!
(which is a miracle b/c I rarely kept up with pictures when I was pregnant with M!)
I went all through the morning and lunch without any visitors and was kinda bummed. I mean, I KNOW in my heart that I'm not going to have visitors every single day, and I need to get used to the downtime, etc. but I was still bummed. So when Lexi messaged me and said that she and her girls were planning to stop by after a doctor's appointment, I was thrilled! And I made her wheel me down to get a mocha frappe before they closed! :)
Destiny was SO FUNNY. Oh my goodness, she had 150 questions for me about why I was in the hospital, how the baby was going to get out, how the baby got IN there, how does the baby eat, why do I have to be in a wheelchair, what do I do in my room, and where's Jack? I did my best to answer and left the hard ones to Lexi. ;)
After they left, Gregg and Callie stopped by to say hello! I was so glad to see them and hear that Callie was shadowing different nurses at the hospital this week, so maybe she'll be back to see me again.
Then it was time to put Gracie Kate on the monitor. I TRIED to start On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, but haven't really gotten into it yet. I've got to be in the zone for starting a new series, and I think today just wasn't the day.
Grace looked great, as usual! So then I got on FaceTime and called my sweet boys!
Oh my word, they are so goofy and silly when they get on there. I try to snap quick pictures while we talk, and this was the best I could do today.
Then Jason got off work and brought Tupelo Honey for dinner! WOOOOO!! Thanks babe! It was very delicious, and just nice to spend some time with the hubby for a bit.
Now I'm just waiting for 11pm for nighttime monitoring then I'll be off to bed. Tomorrow my boys will be back(!!!) and I think I have a couple other people who said they would come, so the day should go by quickly!
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Keep praying for another 3 weeks of uneventful and boring! :)

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