(I'm now doing these updates 3 months later... So I will be using mostly my facebook/instagram update information to fill in the all the details. :))
"Celebrating getting to 32 weeks by watching my all time favorite movie, You've Got Mail!"
(And can we talk about how OBSESSED I am with the chocolate covered pomegranates??)
Still love my Starbucks! (Last one before Baby Grace!)
"Well, this is quite possibly my last pregnancy picture with Miss Grace! She passed her lung maturity test with flying colors this morning, so we are moving forward with the first stages of inducing labor! We could get to meet our little miracle tonight or tomorrow!!"
"Can't believe the power of prayer plus an amazing medical team, kept Grace inside for 2 full weeks after my water broke. The Lord has been holding Gracie Kate in His hand from the very beginning and we couldn't be more excited to meet her. She's a fighter and she's gonna need your prayers even more in the coming weeks, as she will certainly spend time in the NICU."
(*WARNING* - this is the somewhat gritty details of the WORST PAIN OF MY LIFE... so be forewarned.)
We decided to induce labor with cervadil at 6pm on Thursday. At some point during the evening, I was using the bathroom and it came out. Well it is SUPPOSED to stay in for 12 hours, but it had only been 5 hours. If I had dilated to a certain point, then they didn't need to put it back in, but if I hadn't, then they would need to insert a new one.
Let me just start by saying that being "checked" is LIT-TRALLY the worst thing ever. This was worse. So so so soooooooooooo much worse than all other times before.
The first nurse tried and failed to find my cervix.
I sobbed.
The second nurse tried and failed to find my cervix.
I sobbed and screamed, and begged for something to make me calm down.
Then a doctor came and was convinced she was going to actually get the job done and wouldn't stop until she did - THE. WORST. PAIN. OF. MY. LIIIIIIIIIFE. But she was able to see that I was 3-4 cm dilated.
They wanted to go ahead and start the pitocin, but after calling Dr. McLelland she suggested I get a night of rest in before all of that. They UNHOOKED me from everything (hallelujah!!!) and I was able to sleep for like 5 hours straight! Woo!!
the L&D room

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