Now that I've been here 3 days where Jason has been at work, and it has been my "new normal weekday," I realized that I've already got a little routine.
- 6am - someone comes in, usually either the high risk doctor/resident or OBGYN on call, and asks how I've been and if I need anything
- 7:30ish - NST monitoring on baby girl, for about 30 minutes or so
- 8am - breakfast, which is my FAVORITE meal at the hospital - I've been getting french toast, bacon, and raisin bran every single day. Yum!!
- 8:30ish - a nurse wheels me over to my daily ultrasound which sometimes goes super fast and sometimes could take an hour.
- 10am-12pm - visitor time! I've been so blessed to have so many people come check on me and Grace. :)
- 12pm - lunch, my least favorite at the hospital, so please feel free to bring me lunch. :-p
- 1pm - Mom has been bringing the boys around lunch time, and it has been so fun to hang out with them!
- 3pm - naptime for me... I've been exhausted after the boys leave each day, so I have been enjoying an afternoon snooze
- 4pm - NST monitoring for Grace, for about 30 minutes
- 5-6pm - Jason comes to see me! and at some point I eat dinner
- 6-11pm - play on Facebook, watch HGTV, just pass the time :)
- 11pm - NST monitoring and then BEDTIME!
The boys and I got to have a yummy lunch down at Chick Fil A today and then they got a special ice cream treat because they ate so well! It was a hit.
Jack brought a book that he wanted me to read, so we had a little snuggle time reading about Thomas and Diesel 10.
Other amazing people that came today were my friend Christine (thank you for the BEAUTIFUL flowers!), Lynda Walker, Charity (thank you for the yummy brownies!), Sam & Vanessa, Bob & Wes, Ben & Jessica, Cindy & Grandmother Cox, and of course Jason!
And then this afternoon, Uncle Nick sent me this photo of him snuggling up with Miller man. Be still my heart.
Jason's spending the night here tonight in case the weather really is bad tomorrow (in case something crazy happened and I needed him to come), so we are probably going to watch a movie and just hang out.
Another full but "uneventful" day! :)

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