How far along?: 37w1d - only 3 weeks (or LESS) to go!
How big is baby?: the size of a WATERMELON people!! around 19-21in and ~6-7 lbs.
Weight gain/loss?: +25-27 lbs
Stretch marks?: I found two! Ahhh!! (
oh well, not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things)
Maternity clothes?: My maternity pants are feeling pretty tight, so I've been rockin' the gaucho skirts like they're going out of style. Or maybe they
are out of style... I don't know.
Sleep?: My biggest area of struggle right now. I know it will continue to be tough for me to not get a full night's sleep, as I prepare for baby boy and once he gets here.
Food cravings?: Smoothies, milkshakes, fruit... the fruit makes up for the bad stuff, right?
Gender?: Sweet baby BOY!
Movement?: His little movements feel more and more like jabs and punches since he's getting too big for his space.
Belly button?: Pretty "out there" but I suppose it's gonna get worse...
What do you miss?: There is NOTHING that I miss that could possibly compare to the excitement of having our little guy.
What are you looking forward to this week?: (
I don't know if you had a chance to look back at last week's update, but you should!) I have another appointment Wednesday and maybe we'll have a better idea of when Mr. Mister is coming!
Did you see the Nursery yet?! I LOOOOOVE it!!! :)