How far along?: 22w1d - last week of the 5th month!
How big is baby?: The size of a papaya.
Weight gain/loss?: +8 lbs as of today
Sleep?: Overall, still sleeping well, but if I wake up in the middle of the night (usually to use the bathroom - go figure), then Baby thinks it's morning and wants to do yoga in there or something. I'm like "kiddo - you've got to stop moving - it's 3 o'clock in the morning..." :)
Food cravings?: Graham crackers!!!! Like all the time! Sometimes with PB but mostly just plain.
Gender?: We are hoping to find out TODAY, so we will post later this week!
Movin' around and kickin' like a soccer player. :)
Belly button?: Seeing more of the inside of it each day. Yikes.
What do you miss?: I always sit with my legs curled under me, or pulled up to my chest - can't do all that stuff now!
What are you looking forward to this week?: Seeing our precious angel on the ultrasound today and hopefully finding out if Baby is a boy or girl!!
I wouldn't typically post this, but oh my goodness - my belly!

Maternity clothes?: Wearing the BeBand every single day! Need to probably get some actual maternity pants soon...
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
hehe you can still see your little abs moved over the side! isn't weird to have them over there instead of in front?
ReplyDeleteAwww. Soo freakin cute!