Wait, what was the question?
Oh yeah, "Sarah - what time did you get up today?"
What a great answer. I didn't think I had it in me anymore, but apparently I do.
So this week is my "stay-cation"!!! WHOO HOO!!! Today I'm going to sleep late (check), eat a huge breakfast (check), write on my blog (check), clean my room (no check yet), blah blah blah... Basically whatever I want. :)
Man, I need to start taking pictures too, Em. It is more fun if there's pictures! So until then, I'm no fun.
OOOOOOOOOOH and guess what?!?! JASON'S HOME!!!!!!!! Finally. Gah. He should know better than to be gone for seven days. Seriously. But we had SOOO much fun yesterday. I love hanging out with him. He's pretty much the bomb. And he took some AMAZING pictures. I'll steal them from him and post them soon.
Okay well that's all for now. Because if you didn't realize, I have a lot of nothing to do and not a lot of time to do it in.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
On-the-Go Playlist
So since I got my new iPod Touch - whoop whoop!! - I've been downloading like mad.
Here's a selection of my On-the-Go right now:
Hero/Herione - Boys Like Girls
No Air - Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown
Play My Music - Jonas Bros.
Our Time Now - Plain White T's
No One - Alicia Keys
This is Me - Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas
I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift
Five Minutes to Midnight - Boys Like Girls
Gotta Find You - Joe Jonas
Check Yes Juliet - We the Kings
If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys
That's Just the Way We Roll - Jonas Bros.
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
Alright homies. That's all for now. Download some of them, they ROCK. (And they're fun to sing loud in the car - a definite prerequisite for me!)
Here's a selection of my On-the-Go right now:
Hero/Herione - Boys Like Girls

No Air - Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown

Play My Music - Jonas Bros.

Our Time Now - Plain White T's

No One - Alicia Keys
This is Me - Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas
I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift

Five Minutes to Midnight - Boys Like Girls
Gotta Find You - Joe Jonas
Check Yes Juliet - We the Kings

If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys
That's Just the Way We Roll - Jonas Bros.
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

Alright homies. That's all for now. Download some of them, they ROCK. (And they're fun to sing loud in the car - a definite prerequisite for me!)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
'Cause We Rock
Those who know me may know that last summer I was slightly obsessed with HSM, to the point that we (CVP leadership girls + the Todd) stood in the office watching the scene with the song "We're All in This Together" so many times that we learned each and every dance move. (I WISH I had pictures to show you or a video or something, but somehow we never got taped doing it.) Anyway, it was AWESOME and we performed it during Friday Night Live several times.
Well, since that time, there has been a High School Musical 2 (which for WHATEVER reason, I still haven't seen...) and now Camp Rock. It came out last Friday (right after my surgery) and apparently I watched it but don't remember ANY of it. Well, so I thought. I decided to watch it last night and I knew all the songs. Like ALL of them. How does that happen? I mean, I know I was conscious when I "watched" it the first time, but I was so out of it that I didn't remember the plot line, but somehow I know the choruses to all the songs?
Let me back up by saying that I was the little girl that would sit with my dad and listen to whatever music he was listening to and by the time the chorus came around the second time, I was singing along. It was almost a party trick. Well, whatever gene that is, I guess still have it.
Camp Rock is another cheesy, made-for-tv, Disney movie, but I'm kind of a cheesy, made-for-tv, Disney girl. I dreamed last night that I was about 5 years younger... okay maybe like 8 years younger, and I got to be in a Disney movie. Ahhh. What a dream. To sing and do choreographed dances as a JOB for the rest of my life - sign me up NOW.
But alas, a cube awaits me. Oh, it's gonna be a cute cube, all decorated up and stuff, but it'll still be a cube. Until that day when Disney realizes my talent and what they've been missing, I'll be right here. Waiting.
Well, since that time, there has been a High School Musical 2 (which for WHATEVER reason, I still haven't seen...) and now Camp Rock. It came out last Friday (right after my surgery) and apparently I watched it but don't remember ANY of it. Well, so I thought. I decided to watch it last night and I knew all the songs. Like ALL of them. How does that happen? I mean, I know I was conscious when I "watched" it the first time, but I was so out of it that I didn't remember the plot line, but somehow I know the choruses to all the songs?
Let me back up by saying that I was the little girl that would sit with my dad and listen to whatever music he was listening to and by the time the chorus came around the second time, I was singing along. It was almost a party trick. Well, whatever gene that is, I guess still have it.
Camp Rock is another cheesy, made-for-tv, Disney movie, but I'm kind of a cheesy, made-for-tv, Disney girl. I dreamed last night that I was about 5 years younger... okay maybe like 8 years younger, and I got to be in a Disney movie. Ahhh. What a dream. To sing and do choreographed dances as a JOB for the rest of my life - sign me up NOW.
But alas, a cube awaits me. Oh, it's gonna be a cute cube, all decorated up and stuff, but it'll still be a cube. Until that day when Disney realizes my talent and what they've been missing, I'll be right here. Waiting.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Yawning. It's just one of those things.
There are things in life that you don't realize you need to do until you really can't do them. Yawning is one of these things. I, personally, yawn quite frequently depending on the time of the day - usually several times in the earlier morning and many after lunch. Well, yawning with 4 (make that 3) stitches in your mouth, is really no fun at all.
Another one of these things you don't realize you need to do until you really can't do it is brush your tongue. You know? When you're brushing your teeth and you go to make that final swoop before rinsing off all the toothpaste and hopping along your merry way - you brush your tongue! Well, my friends, not me. No, my mouth will not open wider than this. (Okay, well just picture me going like "ahhhh" and you'll get it.)
Oh HERE's another example. So I had to get a drug test for my new job (I passed, don't worry.) and I did it last Thursday before my surgery. Well apparently they forgot to test one of the things they were supposed to test for, so I had to go back today and do it again. You know the routine - pee in a cup, don't flush or turn the water on or put some sort of special powder in your pee to make all the drug traces go away - you know, the usual. Well back in December I did this drug test and I could NOT go to the bathroom. I mean, like it took me 45 minutes or more and like 8 glasses of water. Wow. How embarassing. So last week I drank a whole bottle of water on my way so that I would be ready. Lucky for me it all worked out fine. Well, so when I had to go back today, I woke up and REEEEALLY had to go, but I couldn't because I knew I needed to "save up", if you will, for the test. So hello - how much MORE did I have to pee since I knew I couldn't?? It was rough. AND I had to stop and get gas. AND when I got there I had to wait like 20 minutes.
Whew. What a day. (Man, I am so gross.) :)
Another one of these things you don't realize you need to do until you really can't do it is brush your tongue. You know? When you're brushing your teeth and you go to make that final swoop before rinsing off all the toothpaste and hopping along your merry way - you brush your tongue! Well, my friends, not me. No, my mouth will not open wider than this. (Okay, well just picture me going like "ahhhh" and you'll get it.)
Oh HERE's another example. So I had to get a drug test for my new job (I passed, don't worry.) and I did it last Thursday before my surgery. Well apparently they forgot to test one of the things they were supposed to test for, so I had to go back today and do it again. You know the routine - pee in a cup, don't flush or turn the water on or put some sort of special powder in your pee to make all the drug traces go away - you know, the usual. Well back in December I did this drug test and I could NOT go to the bathroom. I mean, like it took me 45 minutes or more and like 8 glasses of water. Wow. How embarassing. So last week I drank a whole bottle of water on my way so that I would be ready. Lucky for me it all worked out fine. Well, so when I had to go back today, I woke up and REEEEALLY had to go, but I couldn't because I knew I needed to "save up", if you will, for the test. So hello - how much MORE did I have to pee since I knew I couldn't?? It was rough. AND I had to stop and get gas. AND when I got there I had to wait like 20 minutes.
Whew. What a day. (Man, I am so gross.) :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Not So Wise...
I had the oh so fun experience of getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday. Though I don't remember much of it, thank goodness, I'm still in pain. Boooo. And I look like a chipmunk, of course. (No, don't even ask, I'm not posting pictures.)
Apparently you say and do some goofy things when you're on drugs. I am so bummed that the love of my life is out of the country for a week and I have NO idea if I told him bye or not, because I can't remember hardly anything from the past 4 days. He came over after work Friday and I have no idea what he did, because I'm pretty sure I just sat there with a glazed over look. Then on Saturday he came to surprise me and (according to the story I heard later) I said, "Oh wow! You're here! I didn't know you were coming!" Then he went in the kitchen to talk to my mom and came back and sat on the couch next to me and in that time I had forgotten that he was here and said, "Oh wow! You're here! I didn't know you were coming!" Oh my...
Emily came by too and brought some pretty purple flowers and Jason brought some pretty orange flowers! YAY! I love flowers. I don't, however, love surgery. I've been pill takin', salt water swishin', ice-in', heat-in', fluid drinkin', couch sleepin', movie watchin', and Jason missin'. I think that just about covers it. Oh and mushy food eatin'.
Another thing I wanted to do while I was laid up was color. Apparently when I came out of surgery I said to mom, "I've been thinking about it... and I want an Enchanted coloring book and crayons." I don't know why, but I was set on that. I still haven't really colored.
Anyway... I'm doing better. Maybe I'll even make it back to work tomorrow - if my mom feels comfortable with me driving. Okay, bye!
P.S. I MISS MY BF!!!!! I only have to eat breakfast 5 more times before I see him again!!!
Apparently you say and do some goofy things when you're on drugs. I am so bummed that the love of my life is out of the country for a week and I have NO idea if I told him bye or not, because I can't remember hardly anything from the past 4 days. He came over after work Friday and I have no idea what he did, because I'm pretty sure I just sat there with a glazed over look. Then on Saturday he came to surprise me and (according to the story I heard later) I said, "Oh wow! You're here! I didn't know you were coming!" Then he went in the kitchen to talk to my mom and came back and sat on the couch next to me and in that time I had forgotten that he was here and said, "Oh wow! You're here! I didn't know you were coming!" Oh my...
Emily came by too and brought some pretty purple flowers and Jason brought some pretty orange flowers! YAY! I love flowers. I don't, however, love surgery. I've been pill takin', salt water swishin', ice-in', heat-in', fluid drinkin', couch sleepin', movie watchin', and Jason missin'. I think that just about covers it. Oh and mushy food eatin'.
Another thing I wanted to do while I was laid up was color. Apparently when I came out of surgery I said to mom, "I've been thinking about it... and I want an Enchanted coloring book and crayons." I don't know why, but I was set on that. I still haven't really colored.
Anyway... I'm doing better. Maybe I'll even make it back to work tomorrow - if my mom feels comfortable with me driving. Okay, bye!
P.S. I MISS MY BF!!!!! I only have to eat breakfast 5 more times before I see him again!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Really? No, really?
It has been a week. QUITE a week. I found out about my job (YAAAAAY!). I’ve been house/animal-sitting. I decided to move out of my house. Notice, I said “decided” – I did not say that I “did”. And for a little over 24 hours I was DEAD SET, 100% not budging, for sure going to get an apartment and I was going to do it next week and move in ASAP.
Well, my confident little self marched right up to my dad and said “Hey dad, I wanna move out. I’m gonna get an apartment. How cool is that?” Not cool. Not cool at all, actually.
He countered with all the reasons why he didn’t want me living by myself, wasting my money, etc. and some very valid points were made. I was not, however, swayed one bit. Unfortunately, neither was he.
So I cried… Then we talked some more. Then I left to go back to the Linehart’s. And I cried again. Not before talking to the Fireman (and crying and then getting over it) then talking to my mom (and crying and sort of getting over it). My lucky BF had already gone to bed at this point and didn’t have to deal with my over-dramatic misery.
This morning I talked with Louise at work and told her the whole story of what had happened last night. Once I got all my frustrations out to her, she asked how much the rent was per month. I told her and she said, “Well, heck! I only pay a little more than that for my house payment!!” Hmmm… house payment.
So now, here I am. Torn in my head as to what to do. (Not that I have a choice right now because no matter what I choose, the Dad still has to approve it, which he won’t. Anyway…) Do I get an apartment or a house? Or stay at home until pigs fly. (Someone please put a pig in a slingshot and send it my way.)
I got a free bed that’s too big for my room, and now been offered a free couch and loveseat that are in great condition! No where to put them, but no reason to turn them down!! Ahhh!!
So… ummm… any suggestions???
Well, my confident little self marched right up to my dad and said “Hey dad, I wanna move out. I’m gonna get an apartment. How cool is that?” Not cool. Not cool at all, actually.
He countered with all the reasons why he didn’t want me living by myself, wasting my money, etc. and some very valid points were made. I was not, however, swayed one bit. Unfortunately, neither was he.
So I cried… Then we talked some more. Then I left to go back to the Linehart’s. And I cried again. Not before talking to the Fireman (and crying and then getting over it) then talking to my mom (and crying and sort of getting over it). My lucky BF had already gone to bed at this point and didn’t have to deal with my over-dramatic misery.
This morning I talked with Louise at work and told her the whole story of what had happened last night. Once I got all my frustrations out to her, she asked how much the rent was per month. I told her and she said, “Well, heck! I only pay a little more than that for my house payment!!” Hmmm… house payment.
So now, here I am. Torn in my head as to what to do. (Not that I have a choice right now because no matter what I choose, the Dad still has to approve it, which he won’t. Anyway…) Do I get an apartment or a house? Or stay at home until pigs fly. (Someone please put a pig in a slingshot and send it my way.)
I got a free bed that’s too big for my room, and now been offered a free couch and loveseat that are in great condition! No where to put them, but no reason to turn them down!! Ahhh!!
So… ummm… any suggestions???
Monday, June 16, 2008
All Growed Up
Hello to all out there in blog world! I have some exciting news...
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
WHOO HOOO!!! Yay! I am SOOOO excited! I mean, how cool is it to have a job just a little over a month after graduating from college?! And working for one of the best companies in town! I am so so blessed! AHH!!!
Whew. Okay, man, I'm pumped. Can you tell? Well, here is my official job title and somewhat of a description. I am one of 3 Wal-Mart Category Managers (not working for Wal-Mart exactly, though). I'm sure it will make more sense to me soon, but it means I will be in charge of several categories of products for our company, like First Aid, Sun Care, and Dietary Supplements or something like that, and I will know everything there is to know about the sales information for my brands as it relates to Wal-Mart.
Man - I am such a grown up. Well, not really - one of the first things I thought of was, "Awesome - now I get to change my facebook!" Wow. (Did I just admit that?) Hehe!
So let's see - anything worthy of competing with that good news? No, not really. But I did have a good weekend.
Friday: Jason, Brandon, Meagan, and I went to see The Happening. Ehh. Don't go see it. I mean, sure it was good. But just wait for it to come out on DVD. And rent it, don't buy it.
Then we went to Riverbend to hear Little Big Town and use up some of our millions of tokens. They were great - I love the song "Bring it On Home". It was all super fun, but my poor BF has had head pains for several days, and just couldn't stand being in the heat and crowd and loudness for very long. (I can't blame him - did you read my pukey post from last week??)
Saturday: I got an AMAZING massage at the school near Meagan's house for $25 bucks!! You can't beat that!! It was great and I WILL be going back. :) Also Saturday, Jason brought over the bed that I'm getting from his grandparents. I don't know if I've said this before, but I live in a closet-sized room... with no closet... well, no REAL closet. We remodeled that room when we added inside stairs to go up to the Fireman's room and Stretch lived in it when he was a baby and before I moved to college. Well, when I moved, I had no intentions of ever coming back, so Stretch got my nice big room with the nice BIG closet, so when I moved back after 2 years, I got the little room. Boo. Anyway so I've slept in a twin bed for probably 6-7 years and I decided that it was time to get a bigger bed and luckily for me, Grandmother and Grandaddy Lawhorn had a full sized bed they wanted to get rid of. :) YAY! So I got a super cute new bed set and we're going to paint this week (while I'm living at the Linehart's and taking care of their dogs). So even though I'm still wondering if the bed will actually fit... we're going forward!!
Sunday: Father's Day. Oh, I love my daddy. His idea of a great day was working out in the yard, hopping in the pool when he got too hot, taking a nap after lunch, and watching golf. We had a super yummy dinner of steaks, fries, and salad (which I have had like 3 times in 5 days) and opened presents after that.
Okay, so I'm taking care of the Linehart's dogs Jordan and Simon and their neighbors animals: Sadie and Tucker (dogs) and Peeps, Picasso, Princess Buttercup, and Sally (cats) as well as 3 birds and fish!!! AHHH!! And plants - by the way. Yikes! I was totally overwhelmed with all of it at first, but goodness gracious - these families have the SWEETEST animals!!! I am in love with those cats and all the dogs have been fabulous.
Well that seems like enough for today. :) AHHH!! I HAVE A JOB!!!
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
WHOO HOOO!!! Yay! I am SOOOO excited! I mean, how cool is it to have a job just a little over a month after graduating from college?! And working for one of the best companies in town! I am so so blessed! AHH!!!
Whew. Okay, man, I'm pumped. Can you tell? Well, here is my official job title and somewhat of a description. I am one of 3 Wal-Mart Category Managers (not working for Wal-Mart exactly, though). I'm sure it will make more sense to me soon, but it means I will be in charge of several categories of products for our company, like First Aid, Sun Care, and Dietary Supplements or something like that, and I will know everything there is to know about the sales information for my brands as it relates to Wal-Mart.
Man - I am such a grown up. Well, not really - one of the first things I thought of was, "Awesome - now I get to change my facebook!" Wow. (Did I just admit that?) Hehe!
So let's see - anything worthy of competing with that good news? No, not really. But I did have a good weekend.
Friday: Jason, Brandon, Meagan, and I went to see The Happening. Ehh. Don't go see it. I mean, sure it was good. But just wait for it to come out on DVD. And rent it, don't buy it.
Then we went to Riverbend to hear Little Big Town and use up some of our millions of tokens. They were great - I love the song "Bring it On Home". It was all super fun, but my poor BF has had head pains for several days, and just couldn't stand being in the heat and crowd and loudness for very long. (I can't blame him - did you read my pukey post from last week??)
Saturday: I got an AMAZING massage at the school near Meagan's house for $25 bucks!! You can't beat that!! It was great and I WILL be going back. :) Also Saturday, Jason brought over the bed that I'm getting from his grandparents. I don't know if I've said this before, but I live in a closet-sized room... with no closet... well, no REAL closet. We remodeled that room when we added inside stairs to go up to the Fireman's room and Stretch lived in it when he was a baby and before I moved to college. Well, when I moved, I had no intentions of ever coming back, so Stretch got my nice big room with the nice BIG closet, so when I moved back after 2 years, I got the little room. Boo. Anyway so I've slept in a twin bed for probably 6-7 years and I decided that it was time to get a bigger bed and luckily for me, Grandmother and Grandaddy Lawhorn had a full sized bed they wanted to get rid of. :) YAY! So I got a super cute new bed set and we're going to paint this week (while I'm living at the Linehart's and taking care of their dogs). So even though I'm still wondering if the bed will actually fit... we're going forward!!
Sunday: Father's Day. Oh, I love my daddy. His idea of a great day was working out in the yard, hopping in the pool when he got too hot, taking a nap after lunch, and watching golf. We had a super yummy dinner of steaks, fries, and salad (which I have had like 3 times in 5 days) and opened presents after that.
Okay, so I'm taking care of the Linehart's dogs Jordan and Simon and their neighbors animals: Sadie and Tucker (dogs) and Peeps, Picasso, Princess Buttercup, and Sally (cats) as well as 3 birds and fish!!! AHHH!! And plants - by the way. Yikes! I was totally overwhelmed with all of it at first, but goodness gracious - these families have the SWEETEST animals!!! I am in love with those cats and all the dogs have been fabulous.
Well that seems like enough for today. :) AHHH!! I HAVE A JOB!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Dear Hunee,
Even though you think you are clever with your cutesy little nickname for me, I, however, refuse to answer to your heinous name. The end.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I gotta come up with a better title... hmmm...
Let's take a poll! Help me come up with a new name for my blog!!
Good News: The internet is a great place to do surveys/polls/etc.
Bad News: Two people read this and one is out of town.
Hunee - it's up to you. :) Just kidding.
I am glad to be back to good health since I was sick as a dog the other day. I had a little bit of a headache when I went to get Dash's toenails clipped (those things were LOOOONG!) and took some medicine and figured it would go away. I met Hunee, DD, and the boys at Nikki's to have a burger before Riverbend. We had a lot of fun (especially the boogie heads thing!) but I still didn't feel any better. In fact, with the heat, people, and noise level, I was getting worse by the minute. I felt so bad making Hunee leave so early (it was only 9 and Mercy Me hadn't even started) but she insisted that it was okay. So we left and she took me to my car at Nikki's and offered to follow me home. "Oh, no, no - don't worry about it. I'll be fine." But she did anyway - and thank goodness. I mean, not that I wouldn't have made it, but she was so sweet to help when I did get sick... We'll leave it at that since she's the only one reading this and poor thing probably remembers more than she wants to. Anyway - you rock, Hunee - you are a TRUE friend.
So that was Tuesday, I was laid out all Wednesday, but Jason and I had made dinner plans with his grandparents for Wed. night, so luckily I was feeling (mostly) up to going. I was nervous, however, that they would fix something totally crazy and spicy or something that had all kinds of stuff I don't like and I'd get sick and they'd think it was their fault and then the BF would break up with me because I was so rude. You know, the things that run through your head a whole lot faster than it takes to write them out? Anyway, dinner was awesome - steak, baked potatoes, salad, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Mmm.. Mmm.. Good. We had a lot of fun and they were all excited that they're going to CANADA in two weeks!! AHHH!! Not me. Don't get excited for me. No no no. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. No, really this time. Anyway, Jason, his grandparents, and his aunt and uncle are going to Canmore, Alberta for the week. Lucky dog. I'm not bitter. Do I sound bitter? Because I'm not. I'm happy for them. And I expect a really great present. The end.
Good News: The internet is a great place to do surveys/polls/etc.
Bad News: Two people read this and one is out of town.
Hunee - it's up to you. :) Just kidding.
I am glad to be back to good health since I was sick as a dog the other day. I had a little bit of a headache when I went to get Dash's toenails clipped (those things were LOOOONG!) and took some medicine and figured it would go away. I met Hunee, DD, and the boys at Nikki's to have a burger before Riverbend. We had a lot of fun (especially the boogie heads thing!) but I still didn't feel any better. In fact, with the heat, people, and noise level, I was getting worse by the minute. I felt so bad making Hunee leave so early (it was only 9 and Mercy Me hadn't even started) but she insisted that it was okay. So we left and she took me to my car at Nikki's and offered to follow me home. "Oh, no, no - don't worry about it. I'll be fine." But she did anyway - and thank goodness. I mean, not that I wouldn't have made it, but she was so sweet to help when I did get sick... We'll leave it at that since she's the only one reading this and poor thing probably remembers more than she wants to. Anyway - you rock, Hunee - you are a TRUE friend.
So that was Tuesday, I was laid out all Wednesday, but Jason and I had made dinner plans with his grandparents for Wed. night, so luckily I was feeling (mostly) up to going. I was nervous, however, that they would fix something totally crazy and spicy or something that had all kinds of stuff I don't like and I'd get sick and they'd think it was their fault and then the BF would break up with me because I was so rude. You know, the things that run through your head a whole lot faster than it takes to write them out? Anyway, dinner was awesome - steak, baked potatoes, salad, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Mmm.. Mmm.. Good. We had a lot of fun and they were all excited that they're going to CANADA in two weeks!! AHHH!! Not me. Don't get excited for me. No no no. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. No, really this time. Anyway, Jason, his grandparents, and his aunt and uncle are going to Canmore, Alberta for the week. Lucky dog. I'm not bitter. Do I sound bitter? Because I'm not. I'm happy for them. And I expect a really great present. The end.
Monday, June 9, 2008
This one's gonna be short...
Let me tell you about a movie you should... not see. You Don't Mess with the Zohan. Yikes... I mean, it was funny and all, but SOOOO sexual that we definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I should have picked up the hints from the review from Focus on the Family, but oh well. Better luck next time. We see enough movies that some of them have to be not so good eventually.
The city pool tournament was this weekend, and unfortunately the team didn't make it very far - NOT, might I add, because of our guys, just poor management of the team and who to play when. It's all good now, but those poor boys sure did mope for a while Saturday. But luckily we got to go to the Falcon and Falconess' wedding shower that night and enjoy fun times with friends. And AH-MAAAAZING cheesecake. Holy cow. Let's have a moment of silence while I try to remember every taste...
Okay, now we're back. Yeah, it was THAT good. I won't tell the Victoria's Secret story... unless you really want me to. :) Maybe next time.
The city pool tournament was this weekend, and unfortunately the team didn't make it very far - NOT, might I add, because of our guys, just poor management of the team and who to play when. It's all good now, but those poor boys sure did mope for a while Saturday. But luckily we got to go to the Falcon and Falconess' wedding shower that night and enjoy fun times with friends. And AH-MAAAAZING cheesecake. Holy cow. Let's have a moment of silence while I try to remember every taste...
Okay, now we're back. Yeah, it was THAT good. I won't tell the Victoria's Secret story... unless you really want me to. :) Maybe next time.
Friday, June 6, 2008
It's "I Don't Care Friday"!!
Whoooo hooooo! End of the week, baby! "I Don't Care Friday". (Hopefully that will work!)
So I don't know if I've told you guys yet, but Stretch bought Rock Band last week and I'm obsessed! There's a guitar (like Guitar Hero), a microphone, and a drum set, so when the "Gooey Gang" (the Fireman, Stretch, and I) plays a song, I sing and Stretch, of course, gets the drums. He bought it, he states, and so therefore he gets to play the cool drums.
Last night I decided I didn't want to do anything - I said I would clean my room... didn't happen. So since I wasn't doing anything else and Stretch wasn't home from his friend's house, I thought it would be fun to see if I had gotten any better on the drums. And I had. Oh yeah. I rocked out for an hour and 1/2 on those stupid things!! Can you believe that? Oh gosh. It's embarassing to even write that, but, man - I rock. (5 stars on every song, thank you very much.)
Here's another lovely story. Today the bug man came to the house. Stretch and his friend were watching tv in the living room, mom was in the sunroom on the phone, and I had just gotten out of the shower, so I'm in my robe. Okay, so the bug man knocks on the door - the dog goes NUTS, the boys are awkward (and 10 years old) so they aren't really good with greeting strangers. Stretch yells at the top of his lungs for mom, she doesn't hear, the dog bolts - or should I say DASHes - out the door, so I had to walk in there feeling super weird in the robe, tell Stretch to get the dog, and go get mom. Well, all of this was to tell us that we have a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER on our front porch!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh!! Sick. Sick. SICK!!! Ewww... I don't feel comfortable knowing that that THING has been there and could have landed on my shoulder and KILLLLLLED me.
Uhh. I need to go wash my hands. Something about spiders makes me feel all gross.
So I don't know if I've told you guys yet, but Stretch bought Rock Band last week and I'm obsessed! There's a guitar (like Guitar Hero), a microphone, and a drum set, so when the "Gooey Gang" (the Fireman, Stretch, and I) plays a song, I sing and Stretch, of course, gets the drums. He bought it, he states, and so therefore he gets to play the cool drums.
Last night I decided I didn't want to do anything - I said I would clean my room... didn't happen. So since I wasn't doing anything else and Stretch wasn't home from his friend's house, I thought it would be fun to see if I had gotten any better on the drums. And I had. Oh yeah. I rocked out for an hour and 1/2 on those stupid things!! Can you believe that? Oh gosh. It's embarassing to even write that, but, man - I rock. (5 stars on every song, thank you very much.)
Here's another lovely story. Today the bug man came to the house. Stretch and his friend were watching tv in the living room, mom was in the sunroom on the phone, and I had just gotten out of the shower, so I'm in my robe. Okay, so the bug man knocks on the door - the dog goes NUTS, the boys are awkward (and 10 years old) so they aren't really good with greeting strangers. Stretch yells at the top of his lungs for mom, she doesn't hear, the dog bolts - or should I say DASHes - out the door, so I had to walk in there feeling super weird in the robe, tell Stretch to get the dog, and go get mom. Well, all of this was to tell us that we have a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER on our front porch!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh!! Sick. Sick. SICK!!! Ewww... I don't feel comfortable knowing that that THING has been there and could have landed on my shoulder and KILLLLLLED me.
Uhh. I need to go wash my hands. Something about spiders makes me feel all gross.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sing It, Baby!
Today, my friends, I had lunch with Fife. Now, don't tell the BF, but this man is beyond hot and so charming. So much in fact, that I think I might leave my BF for him. (Don't get your panties in a wad - it's the same guy!) Tehe! Anyway, we had lunch together today, now that he and I both work in the downtown area, and it was wonderful. I like being able to see him a lot - I feel like I'm still not quite used to us both being in town all the time even though it's been like this for a while. (I'm sure Hunee feels the same way.)
While we were eating, in walked one of my childhood best friends Amy. I FREEEEAKed out and hugged her for like 5 minutes. It was funny because I don't remember being like 8 inches taller than her, but apparently I am, so that was strange. She has an adorable 2 yr. old little boy that I haven't met but seriously can't wait to. Ah... reminiscing. I walked down memory lane in my head thinking of all the times we made up cheerleading dances, filmed ourselves doing those dances, sang at the top of our lungs to whatever Mariah song was popular at the time, filming ourselves singing... well, you get the idea. We were inseperable for the longest, but as time went on, we began to hang out with different crowds. My "twin sister". Anyway, I can't wait to make new memories with her... and maybe relive some of the old ones. :)
Since we're on the subject of singing (sort of), just thought I would share that Hunee and I are masters at High School Musical Sing It. If the guys hadn't been in the same room, I think we would have done even better, but for whatever reason, we tried to hang on to a little dignity and sing quietly. Although we did mimic their dance moves. CLASSIC. My little pool master showed DD (Dock Daddy, if you've forgotten) some of his moves on the Olhausen and we all just had a great time. I'm still full on the yummy confetti cake cookies we made... mmmmm.
They talked about a house they looked at yesterday that is definitely in the running as potential future house for them. And it made me remember - I'm really stinkin' ready to get out of my house!!! I would like a shower. To myself. That I can use whenever I want. Not at a scheduled time that if I oversleep by 5 minutes will be lost. And no one even cares that I don't get to shower!Someday, my friends, someday. Dang, someday I hope I have a shower like the one in Hunee and DD's potential house. SWEEEET!
**Still no word on the job front. Dang.
While we were eating, in walked one of my childhood best friends Amy. I FREEEEAKed out and hugged her for like 5 minutes. It was funny because I don't remember being like 8 inches taller than her, but apparently I am, so that was strange. She has an adorable 2 yr. old little boy that I haven't met but seriously can't wait to. Ah... reminiscing. I walked down memory lane in my head thinking of all the times we made up cheerleading dances, filmed ourselves doing those dances, sang at the top of our lungs to whatever Mariah song was popular at the time, filming ourselves singing... well, you get the idea. We were inseperable for the longest, but as time went on, we began to hang out with different crowds. My "twin sister". Anyway, I can't wait to make new memories with her... and maybe relive some of the old ones. :)
Since we're on the subject of singing (sort of), just thought I would share that Hunee and I are masters at High School Musical Sing It. If the guys hadn't been in the same room, I think we would have done even better, but for whatever reason, we tried to hang on to a little dignity and sing quietly. Although we did mimic their dance moves. CLASSIC. My little pool master showed DD (Dock Daddy, if you've forgotten) some of his moves on the Olhausen and we all just had a great time. I'm still full on the yummy confetti cake cookies we made... mmmmm.
They talked about a house they looked at yesterday that is definitely in the running as potential future house for them. And it made me remember - I'm really stinkin' ready to get out of my house!!! I would like a shower. To myself. That I can use whenever I want. Not at a scheduled time that if I oversleep by 5 minutes will be lost. And no one even cares that I don't get to shower!
**Still no word on the job front. Dang.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hello all - it's officially Wednesday. I just thought I'd tell you that since I obviously forgot when naming my post "Tuesday-Tuesday". I guess that's a good thing, though. Usually you think it's like Thursday or something and you get all bummed out that it's only Wednesday, but not me. I'm just a goof.
Last night was our VERY first NEW-cleus meeting. (Okay, so I doubt we're going to call it that, I just like it. So get over it.) After two years and a new member, we've finally joined forces yet again to solve world hunger and bring world peace - or just chit chat for 4 hours. Either way. We have KER-ma, our mommy-to-be, married to Chicago; Falconess, the one who gets to marry the Falcon in July; and Hunee, the one who gets to marry Dock Daddy in August. We had some YUMMY lasagna and caught up on life for the past few months. Kerma and Hunee met for the first time and had tons of friends in common already. We laughed, we ate, we talked, we cried, we giggled, we prayed - we had some ol' fashioned fun. And guess what? Next week we get to do it all over again!! Maybe not the 4 hours part... (Sorry, Chicago, for kicking you out for so long.)
Tonight me and the BF are hanging out with Dock Daddy and Hunee and I can't wait! ALSO - no news on my job yet, but I WILL let you know... hopefully by Friday... so I don't have an anxiety attack... cause those are bad... yeah.
By the way, Hunee - you need a blog. That is all.
Last night was our VERY first NEW-cleus meeting. (Okay, so I doubt we're going to call it that, I just like it. So get over it.) After two years and a new member, we've finally joined forces yet again to solve world hunger and bring world peace - or just chit chat for 4 hours. Either way. We have KER-ma, our mommy-to-be, married to Chicago; Falconess, the one who gets to marry the Falcon in July; and Hunee, the one who gets to marry Dock Daddy in August. We had some YUMMY lasagna and caught up on life for the past few months. Kerma and Hunee met for the first time and had tons of friends in common already. We laughed, we ate, we talked, we cried, we giggled, we prayed - we had some ol' fashioned fun. And guess what? Next week we get to do it all over again!! Maybe not the 4 hours part... (Sorry, Chicago, for kicking you out for so long.)
Tonight me and the BF are hanging out with Dock Daddy and Hunee and I can't wait! ALSO - no news on my job yet, but I WILL let you know... hopefully by Friday... so I don't have an anxiety attack... cause those are bad... yeah.
By the way, Hunee - you need a blog. That is all.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Another FAB Weekend... even if it wasn't 3 days...
I'm pretty lucky that I usually have something to write about when it comes to weekends. I mean, usually when I come to work on Mondays, people ask me what I did and I have like 10 things to talk about, but when asked back, most people say, "Oh, just stayed at home." Now, granted, I don't have a "home" of my own to "just stay" at, and I'm sure if I did, I would definitely do that - I am not above doing nothing. But alas, the BF lives 38 minutes away (according to Google maps) so if we wanna hang out, we usually DO something. So here I go with a Weekend Recap.
Friday: Our Sunday school class went to a Lookouts game and you know what? We had F-U-N! And lots of it. I'm not really one to get too into baseball (neither is the BF) but I really enjoyed watching, cheering, jeering, people watching, sweating - wait, not that part. Definitely not that part. It was hot as a mug, as they say. And I was in JEEEEEANS. I whined. A lot. (Sorry, J.) But the Lookouts won 4-0 against the Biscuits -- FEAR ME - for I am a big, scary BISCUIT!!! Sorry, guys - bad choice of names.
Saturday: Helped the ENGAGED with addressing her invitations! Let me rephrase that - I stamped and stuffed, NOT addressed because according to Mrs. Liner - we stink at writing. I always thought I had pretty handwriting, but alas, I was wrong. Mrs. Liner said, and I quote, "It's a good thing you girls are beautiful and have so much else going for you, because you're terrible at this!" HA! Okay, I'm really not as bitter as I sound - we had fun chit chatting and stuffing. :)
Then I went home and went to the pool with Stretch. (FYI - Stretch is the nickname my little brother has been trying to give himself for years. We never call him that, but he really hopes it'll catch on. I thought I'd do him a favor and start calling him that on here.) It was the most gorgeous day and I was ready to get some rays! I put on a little tiny bit of sunscreen and then hoped to get browned up by the end of our time there. Well, needless to say, since I emphasized the whole tiny bit thing, I got burned. Let me take a moment to brag about how I never get burned, I mean seriously - never. Well, my cocky-ness in this area was probably the main reason that I got burned... it had to happen someday. Well, my shoulders, some of my front, and my cheeks are a little red today. And lovely little old me also itches very VERY bad when I'm burned, apparently, so I spent all night trying not to scratch and failing. So now I have these gross blisters around the armpit area... so attractive for summer. It's all the rage.
Also Saturday was MMA fight night. I didn't really want to watch, but got sucked in pretty quickly when I realized how interesting it all was. Let me just point out that I love Jason to death, but sometimes I could go CRAZY trying to watch TV with him. This was one of those times where I really REALLY just wanted to be mad at him for making me watch the stupid fight night, but unfortunately, I liked it. Dang it. He wins again. How does that keep happening?!
Sunday: Went to Sunday school and then planned to go to WeRock, rock crawler competition, but since it was POURING and gross, we thought we'd wait a little bit. To back up a little bit - there was a big nasty storm early Sunday morning. And I would never admit to you that I'm afraid of thunderstorms and that I jumped out of my skin each time the thunder clapped, and that I went into my mom's room... you know, to make sure she was okay... since my dad was out of town and all... and then saw that Stretch was already in there - making sure she was okay too, I'm sure... Then I manned up, put my furry eye mask on, and went back in my room to sleep the rest of the morning. Well, that's sort of how it happened. So anyway, back to the rest of the day:
Nothing else really happened but napping, tv watching, napping again, then on our way to get some dinner we passed the future Geyer's and met them for an impromptu dinner at El Monterey. :) It was a blast - talking about embarrassing moments, houses, and future jobs/etc. They're great and we're SO lucky they're living here now. Then it was off to the nasty pool hall - not the one we frequent - the gross kind that you have to shower as soon as you leave or you will smell like smoke for the rest of your life. It makes me really grateful for our non-smoking pool hall, Double Hill. Anyway, we watched a tournament, played some pool, and then I went home to shower. The end.
Friday: Our Sunday school class went to a Lookouts game and you know what? We had F-U-N! And lots of it. I'm not really one to get too into baseball (neither is the BF) but I really enjoyed watching, cheering, jeering, people watching, sweating - wait, not that part. Definitely not that part. It was hot as a mug, as they say. And I was in JEEEEEANS. I whined. A lot. (Sorry, J.) But the Lookouts won 4-0 against the Biscuits -- FEAR ME - for I am a big, scary BISCUIT!!! Sorry, guys - bad choice of names.
Saturday: Helped the ENGAGED with addressing her invitations! Let me rephrase that - I stamped and stuffed, NOT addressed because according to Mrs. Liner - we stink at writing. I always thought I had pretty handwriting, but alas, I was wrong. Mrs. Liner said, and I quote, "It's a good thing you girls are beautiful and have so much else going for you, because you're terrible at this!" HA! Okay, I'm really not as bitter as I sound - we had fun chit chatting and stuffing. :)
Then I went home and went to the pool with Stretch. (FYI - Stretch is the nickname my little brother has been trying to give himself for years. We never call him that, but he really hopes it'll catch on. I thought I'd do him a favor and start calling him that on here.) It was the most gorgeous day and I was ready to get some rays! I put on a little tiny bit of sunscreen and then hoped to get browned up by the end of our time there. Well, needless to say, since I emphasized the whole tiny bit thing, I got burned. Let me take a moment to brag about how I never get burned, I mean seriously - never. Well, my cocky-ness in this area was probably the main reason that I got burned... it had to happen someday. Well, my shoulders, some of my front, and my cheeks are a little red today. And lovely little old me also itches very VERY bad when I'm burned, apparently, so I spent all night trying not to scratch and failing. So now I have these gross blisters around the armpit area... so attractive for summer. It's all the rage.
Also Saturday was MMA fight night. I didn't really want to watch, but got sucked in pretty quickly when I realized how interesting it all was. Let me just point out that I love Jason to death, but sometimes I could go CRAZY trying to watch TV with him. This was one of those times where I really REALLY just wanted to be mad at him for making me watch the stupid fight night, but unfortunately, I liked it. Dang it. He wins again. How does that keep happening?!
Sunday: Went to Sunday school and then planned to go to WeRock, rock crawler competition, but since it was POURING and gross, we thought we'd wait a little bit. To back up a little bit - there was a big nasty storm early Sunday morning. And I would never admit to you that I'm afraid of thunderstorms and that I jumped out of my skin each time the thunder clapped, and that I went into my mom's room... you know, to make sure she was okay... since my dad was out of town and all... and then saw that Stretch was already in there - making sure she was okay too, I'm sure... Then I manned up, put my furry eye mask on, and went back in my room to sleep the rest of the morning. Well, that's sort of how it happened. So anyway, back to the rest of the day:
Nothing else really happened but napping, tv watching, napping again, then on our way to get some dinner we passed the future Geyer's and met them for an impromptu dinner at El Monterey. :) It was a blast - talking about embarrassing moments, houses, and future jobs/etc. They're great and we're SO lucky they're living here now. Then it was off to the nasty pool hall - not the one we frequent - the gross kind that you have to shower as soon as you leave or you will smell like smoke for the rest of your life. It makes me really grateful for our non-smoking pool hall, Double Hill. Anyway, we watched a tournament, played some pool, and then I went home to shower. The end.
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