- Find at least 10 things to get rid of (focusing on the basement, but can be from anywhere) - YES! I need to post about this, but we found probably 40-50 things to get rid of... and let's be honest, I could find 100 more...
- Go through Jack's clothes and reorg by size - put up for baby brother :) - YES! I'm so glad I did this and it didn't take long at all.
- Continue healthier living habits started in October - YES! We didn't add anything new, but we're happily enjoying our new habits
- Have fun and enjoy Thanksgiving family time!! - YES! We had a blast at the Millers and the Guins!
- Christmas Related:
- Begin Christmas shopping (ahhh!!) - YES! We did our annual Black Friday shopping too!
- Put up Christmas tree near end of the month (yay!!) - YES! We actually put the tree up on Monday before Thanksgiving - that's a new record for earliness!
- Family photo? Design and send Christmas cards? - YES! I designed them in November, and got them ordered the first weekend of Dec. :)
Wait just a minute... I did everything I planned to do! I even made a felt Christmas tree for Jack! WHOO HOO!!! Go me! Go me!! Here's hoping to a just-as-productive-December!