I can't believe our sweet baby boy is already 1 month old!
Jackson had his 1 month check-up last Friday and I was so anxious to see how much he weighs! I told the nurse that he was 7lbs 8oz at birth, lost about a pound in the first week and at 2 weeks he was almost back up to his birth weight at 7lbs 7oz. I asked her what to expect for how much he weighs and she said "He could be close to 8lbs probably." And guess how much he weighed???
I was so happy to know that he's eating well (since he's exclusively breastfed) - the doctor said "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!" (He's also grown from 21in to 22 3/4in!)
Here's what Jack is up to at one month:
- He loves to be outside in the sunshine (which may have been encouraged by his "tanning bed" experience)
- He almost always smiles when he's falling asleep.
- He doesn't particularly love to be put in his car seat but he sleeps like a log when we're in the car.
- He's been sleeping in his crib at night since Sunday 7/24, and he slept for a record 4 HOURS that first night! We're not always so lucky, but he'll usually give us around 3 hours of sleep between nighttime feedings.
- He's doing well with bath time, but really doesn't like having his hair washed.
- He HATES getting his diaper changed and squirms like a madman every time.
- Also, we call him a "houdini pee-er" because the stripe on the front of his diaper will still be yellow (it changes from yellow to green when he's peed) but you'll look down and your shirt is soaked or your pants are wet!! I have been peed on more times than I can count... :)
- He's very alert, always looking around with his eyes open really wide, but he definitely sleeps a TON during the day.
- He grunts a lot, especially in the evening, and rarely "coos" but when he does it melts my heart!
- A lot of times he will sigh very dramatically after he sneezes. Adorable.
- He sleeps best when he's swaddled tight, but often manages to get his hand out so he can suck on his fingers. (Which is absolutely precious, by the way.)
And now for your viewing pleasure,
a video of Mr. Jackson on his one month "mirthday"!!

Congrats to you being a mommy for 1 month!!