Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Diaper Duty

Well, my friends, we are in our 4th week of cloth diapering!! On July 28th, I put Jack in his first cloth diaper (CD), a blue snap front BumGenius 4.0 one-size diaper. At first I didn't put him in them at night because I was afraid they would leak, but after a few days of CD-ing during the day, we made the switch to full time! 

Our stash started out with 6 BGs - 4 snaps and 2 velcros, which I quickly learned was not enough. I was changing 8-10 diapers a day so 6 diapers went pretty fast. So then we added some Flip diapers to the mix! Jananna was raving about them in this post, so I thought I would give them a try. They are FABULOUS! (I will let her explain how they work.) So I ordered 4 covers and 6 stay-dry inserts, which brings us to a total of 12 diaper changes.

This was our beautiful, colorful stash at that point. I've made one more order because the BumGenius diapers were on sale, so I added 6 more BGs (2 snaps, 4 velcro) and 6 more inserts for the Flip covers I already had. NOW we're talking. This totals up to 24 total diaper changes which amounts to a load of laundry every other day. I can definitely see myself getting more of either of these types of diapers - we are REALLY loving them! 

Not that you can see the diaper very well, but here's my little man in a Flip diaper yesterday.

What are your thoughts on cloth diapering? Are they different than what you thought they were? Is it something you think you would do, or do you think I'm crazy? :)

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't do it, but I applaud you for giving it a shot! How do the new cloth diapers work? I have no idea about them at all. Is it all washable? Do you have to do anything special with them?

    So when do you go back to work or are you staying home? Fill me in on your life! :)



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