We've been doing cloth diapers for 2 months now and
EVERY DAY I am so glad we made this decision.
One big question I get from people is how do we do it "on-the-go". If I'm taking Jackson somewhere, then the picture below is what I will bring. I'll usually put him in a Flip diaper (shown on the right) and then I bring an extra cover and 2-3 inserts.
Flips on the go
If I'm taking him to be with someone else for a while (Mimi, Grammy, etc.) then I will send pre-stuffed BumGenius diapers with velcro (hook & loop is the official name). They are the most like disposables as far as how you put them on, and the person using them doesn't have to do anything other than velcro it closed.
BumGenius' for "babysitters"
The bag I use on the go is a Planet Wise wet/dry bag (we have it in Outer Space) so I put the clean diapers in the front zippered part and then the top zipper opens to a lined "wet bag" for the dirty ones. As I explained in the "At Home" cloth diaper post, I just dump the dirty diapers and the bag into the wash when it's time to wash everything.
Other Questions:
*What kind of detergent do you use? - I started out using Clean B detergent that my friend Erin gave me. I really liked the way it smelled and felt like it did a great job of getting everything clean. Now I'm using Charlie's Soap because I can get it at local grocery stores (Earth Fare, Whole Foods) instead of ordering online.
*How are the diapers sized? / When will you have to get bigger diapers? - I love this one because the answer is I DON'T!! The BumGenius and Flip diapers we have are One Size diapers which means they snap to fit from 8 pounds all the way to 35+ pounds - we will use the same diapers from birth to potty training! The diagrams below show how the covers adjust over time to accommodate the growing baby. How cool is that?! (We are still on the smallest size now.)
Snap closures
Velcro closures
I hope that answers some of your questions about cloth diapering -
feel free to ask away if there's anything else you're curious about! :)