As all of you probably know by now, we are having a BOY!!!! Whoo hoo!!!
Below are my journal entries from right before and after our 2nd gender ultrasound (read about the 1st one here - really, read it first if you haven't already).
(M) 2/28/11 2:00pm
We are about to have our 2nd gender ultrasound and I am so excited! More than anything, I just can't wait to see our Little One again! I feel like God has really worked on my heart and allowed me not to put so much focus on "finding out" this time. We both still think it's a girl and hopefully within the next hour we will know for sure! We are so in love with this baby!!!
(M) 2/28/11 3:00pm
We are shocked - IT'S A BOY!!!!! We can't believe it! Our once stubborn little baby spread his legs the moment the ultrasound tech began! I am completely in awe of God's creation! He was such a wiggle worm - and I didn't even have a Mountain Dew this time!
Hey.. I follow this blog and they are doing a baby boys room right now and it is BEAUTIFUL. You could check it out
The color is actually pretty close to Madyson's room color and it is my fav. room in the house. (Mady's is a little more brightish girly) Didn't know if you have painted yet.. p.s. how is that belly doing?