For Me:
Read Steady Days, finish Seven, finish Shepherding a Child's Heart - YES! I can't believe I finished all of these books! Whoop whoop!!
Enjoy a pre-baby luncheon with friends and a Sunday school baby "sprinkle" - YES! I will be doing a post on this soon!
For Home:
Finish painting and hang up HOME letters in living room - YES!
Finish "styling" the Big Boy Room and take pictures! - FAIL - but I did reveal it on the blog! So that's something!
Set up Little Brother's crib and take pictures of the room! - YES & FAIL - the crib is up and being used, but no pictures have been taken. Yet.
Set up Little Brother's crib and take pictures of the room! - YES & FAIL - the crib is up and being used, but no pictures have been taken. Yet.
For Kiddos:
Wash all of Jack's 0-3mo clothes for Little Brother - YES! And it's a good thing I did!
Enjoy our last month as a family of 3 - YES! Well, HALF a month at least. :)
Amen and amen.