Our Halloween was pretty low-key. Panera lunch date with my little man and Trunk or Treat at church! Poor Jason had class, but he graduates in December and he won't have to miss stuff like this in the future!! :)
My sweet little pumpkin at Panera!
In case you can't tell from the pictures, I'm Velma! (That's why I wore a nametag. :)
Right after we took this photo, my friend Stephanie let us borrow her son's old Scooby Doo costume (the exact same one) in a bigger size! {Side note story: I bought this costume last year after Halloween at like 75% off in a size 2T. Then the day before Trunk or Treat, I noticed on the package that based on their size chart, the 2T was going to DROWN Jack! So I spent an hour driving to two different Walmarts to try to exchange it for the 12-18 month size, but being the day before Halloween, they didn't have them. So the day of, I tried it on him expecting it to be too big, and lo and behold - it was too small!!} It worked out so perfectly to have their bigger sized one, because it was getting colder and you can see that this one wasn't covering everything it needed to cover!
We had such a fun time - especially in the little kids area! There was a "ring toss" game that he was CRAZY about. And they had cozy coupe cars to ride around in and a slide that he wanted to play on all night long.
There was even a photo booth! So fun!!
Right at the very end, we saw the Walkers! We snapped a couple quick photos and Leighton tried to grab Jack's paci. Haha! He wasn't having any of that! :)
I can't believe that next year I'll have TWO little boys dressing up for Halloween!!!