Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cry for HELP!

Okay, so I'm working on deciding music for the ceremony. Prelude, seating of the grandmothers, seating of the mothers... All that fun stuff. I think I've decided on the Processional and Recessional but I'm having a hard time with the others. WILL YOU HELP ME?!?

What did you have played at your wedding?

If you have favorites, or you just have a few minutes to browse around online, please suggest anything and I will be forever grateful. :)

Also - do you have any suggestions for Scripture or a poem or anything for the ceremony? I am having a hard time finding much more than "Love is patient, love is kind..." - not that there's anything wrong with that!! I just wanted to see if I could find something else to have read.

What Scripture/poems were read at your wedding?

Of course- all my not-yet-married friends - this is not a post that doesn't require your help too!!!



  1. Music: "I'm on a Boat" (make sure the preacher relates being on a boat to love)

    Poem: Any filthy limerick

    Verse: Numbers 16:20-23

    You are welcome

    And may I wife will be one lucky lady!

  2. You have my program, so you know what was part of our ceremony (plus... I don't remember AT ALL...haha)

  3. you know everything I've already mentioned, but what we used for our ceremony were as follows:
    -Surely the Presence - moms and grandmoms
    -This is My Father's World -bridal party
    -He is Exalted- bride
    -Before the Throne of God above- congregational singing
    -Praise to the Lord the Almighty-recessional

    other hymns we loved and used in the prelude (which i would have all used in the ceremony had it been possible...)
    -There's just something about that name
    -Great is Thy Faithfulness
    -O Worship the King (I still think this would be a great bridal song. one day i'll convince someone to use it... hehe)
    -Sweet Sweet Spirit
    -'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus

    and so many more. i <3 hymns.

    end rant.

    oh, and until two days before the wedding, we had planned to recess to "i've been waiting for a squirrel like you"

    love you :)

  4. Seating of Gmoms- Canon in D
    Seating of Moms- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
    solo- Surely the presence
    Processional and Bride's processional- Trumpet Voluntary
    solo- Be Thou My Vision
    recessional- Hallelujah Chorus


Even if it's just to say "You so silly, Sarah" - please feel free to leave comments!


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